Julie Fowlis -- Òganaich Uir A Rinn M' Fhàgail

  • Vocals
  • Low Irish Whistle
  • Bodhran
  • Bouzouki
  • Violin/Fiddle
  • Upright Bass
  • Pennywhistle
  • Guitar

English translation:

Oganaich ùir a rinn m' fhàgail Oh noble youth who has left me 

Sèist:Chorus (after each verse): 
Hi ri-abh o hiùraibh o ho Hi ri-abh o hiùraibh o ho
Hi ri-abh o ro hùbhag Hi ri-abh o ro hùbhag 
Hi ri-abh a hiùraibh o ho Hi ri-abh a hiùraibh o ho  

Chum thu air deireadh air chàch mi You have kept me behind all the others   
Gun fhios dha m'athair no m' mhàthair Unknown to my father or mother   
Gun fhios dham phiuthar no m' bhràithair Unknown to sister or brother   
A bhean ud thall aig a chuibhle Oh woman at the spinning wheel  
Fhios agad fhèin mar a tha mo chridhe You know how my heart is  
Caimbeulach òg oirre shiubhal A young Campbell in your possession   
'S nach fhaigh mi baisteadh an Uibhist I will not get a baptism in Uist   
Gu ruig mi fear a' chùil bhuidhe Until I reach the yellow-haired man 


This song is a modern artist’s interpretation and recording of a traditional Scottish folk song, sung in the original Scottish Gaelic and played with instruments used in traditional Celtic ensembles. It was recorded in 2005.
This folk song has many of the characteristics of the traditional irish waltz, found in Scotland as a key part the cèilidh, social gatherings focused on traditional folk music and dances such as reels, jigs, waltzes, and strathspey. The Irish waltz, like other waltz types, is a triple meter dance, or with music set in either 3/4 or 6/8 with emphasis on the first beat.

Bodhran Drum


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